How many blog posts per week (Google and SEOs answer)

That is the question.

I myself wondered about this question.

Back in the day, the content quality didn’t matter much compared to today.

Google is putting its foot down and is not favoring thin contents. 

John Mueller even said to consolidate thin pages to make one good quality post.

So, how many blog posts per week should we be doing? 

Let’s dig deeper.

If you haven’t started a blog yet, what the heck are you waiting for!?

Go to this simple, actionable guide on how to start a blog as soon as humanly possible.

Do it before you start procrastinating again.

How many blog posts per week by John Mueller

Someone asked John Mueller, Google trends analyst, the same question we are asking. “How many blog posts per week”? 

John Mueller pretty much said that it’s not a ranking factor. Below is the tweet:

[souce: Vlad Rappoport tweet]

Nope. A site isn’t a machine that pumps out content at a fixed rate. Well, it shouldn’t be :-).

By: John Mueller on content frequency

But then Neil Patel wrote that he once didn’t blog for a month, and his traffic went down. Also, he only recovered after he started blogging consistently again. 

Well, I can’t find his blog posts, he must’ve deleted them, or my Google research skills sux.

Anyhoo, I did see his new posts about how to determine your blog frequency

I didn’t want to read word for word, so I just skimmed all the way down to the conclusion. Because humans have an attention span of a goldfish. I’m a goldfish.

In Neil’s conclusion, posting frequency is correlated to your website traffic. And I quote:

Your website’s organic traffic and leads are significantly impacted by your posting frequency.

By: Neil Patel

Then again, Neil went on to say things like. You shouldn’t be posting substandard posts. 

Neil advises that unless you have a team, time, or capabilities, you should not post multiple times a day, you should focus on quality, not quantity.

Oh, and I think I found one of his blogs about posting frequency. You can find it at Quicksprout (his old site).

Who is Neil Patel?

He’s just one of the top marketers that are disrupting the industry. So, no he’s not kind of a big deal.

Luckily you read this post so now you can follow Neil Patel for marketing insights instead of me. 

Me and my big mouth.

How many blog posts per week by Brian Dean

Brian Dean is an SEO kind of guy. Neil and Brian are friends, I think. Not too sure.

I wouldn’t mind being friends with those two. Imagine getting advice from Neil about marketing. 

Brian is the one who came up with the “skyscraper technique.”

What is the skyscraper technique?

It’s about writing long-form explicit content, containing a word count of 2000 to 8000 a post.

It’s like building the tallest building in the city. 

Obviously, writing that long form of content can take days to weeks. 

It’s not really the writing, but the research can be time-consuming, put the pieces together, and proofing is a big, time suck.

The skyscraper technique is not just making long-form content, though. 

Other aspects of it are looking for quality linkable assets, making the post more up to date, and reaching out for backlinks.

I don’t do any link outreach on any of my blogs. I just leave it and let other bloggers link to it if they like the content. 

You will get backlinks over time. Just watch out for negative SEO attacks and disavow when you can. 

A hostile SEO attack is when your nothing better to do with their life competitor tries to spam backlinks to your site. They may link your site from an adult site, for example. Or create thousands of backlinks in one day so Google can penalize you.

Now, Google says they are pretty good at detecting spammy links. But, my advice is to disavow if you are capable. If you’re not, you should leave it alone because it might do you more harm than good.  

You can check out the skyscraper technique by clicking back there.

In essence, low-frequency long-form content is a viable way to attract traffic to your site.

How many blog posts per week by Christian Tanobey (me)


Yeah, I get that a lot.

Anyways, this is my take on how many blog posts per week.

I used to blog frequently on my old site at

But, I stopped for months, and it never actually recovered.

It’s still there. I’m even getting phone calls.

Just the other day, Lauren from DotSquares Australia called me after going through my website for a referral partnership. I would refer them to my clients, and they would do the same. 

I never got back to her because I’m too busy with my ecom site. And, I don’t’ have any clients anyways.

Dotsquares conversation

My take on how many times you should be posting is like Neil and Brian said. You should be publishing quality content.

I haven’t utilized the skyscraper technique yet, but my blog posts are usually around 1000 to 2000 words on this site. On the other hand, my other site, a blog post can be an eBook.


Without a doubt, content marketing is about content. The more you have, the better your marketing.

But, it’s not about posting frequency. As John Mueller said in his tweet:

Nope. A site isn’t a machine that pumps out content at a fixed rate. Well, it shouldn’t be :-).

By: John Mueller (Google trends analyst)

You should be writing content to help your audience. Not just talk about your day and what you ate for lunch. That is a great way to lose subscribers, by the way. Unless you’re a celebrity and people would love to read why you’re in your PJs at a cafe in Santa Boulevard. 

Although Neil Patel once said that posting frequently would look good to Google. But, he also mentions that posting quality content is ideal. Don’t post for the sake of posting something.

Brian Dean loves to build the tallest building by writing 8000 words or more per blog post but less frequently.

My take is that you should detail the topic and make sure to answer all the questions your audience is asking. 

To answer the questions, you might only need to write 600 words. Or, it could be as long as 4000 words.

To give you an actionable step, I will tell you my strategy. 

I make it a commitment to post once a week in all my blogs. No matter how busy or tired I am.

Having a schedule or commitment can become a habit. And we humans are habitual creatures. 

We tend to stick to something if we do it often enough. 

Take exercise, for example. Once you get a routine going, you get crappy when your regime is out of whack. Well, that’s me, anyway.

How about you? What’s your strategy? How many times do you blog a week? Or how many times a month? Comment below.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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