Can A Blog Be Monetized? Must Read Before You Start

Can a blog be monetized? This question can have two different meanings, one being “can you make money blogging?” and the other meaning is “what can I do so that my blog can be monetized?”. If we use the first definition of the question, then yes! Bloggers can and do make money blogging. There are many different ways to generate an income from your blog: affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, ads on your site, or through Google AdSense. Let’s go over how you can monetize your blog.


google adsense homepage

Adsense is the most widely used ad platform on the web. Google can provide you with ads that will fit your site perfectly and help drive traffic to your blog and increase revenue! Google Adsense is an excellent way for new bloggers to monetize their blogs without having any experience or following whatsoever.

The downside to Adsense is that you can’t choose the type of ads shown on your site. Of course, you can block specific sites or categories, but otherwise, you have no control over what kinds of advertisements are displayed on your blog.

So, how can you choose which ads show up on your blog? First, you can sign up for affiliate programs. Affiliate ads allow you to select the types of products and services that show up on your site and can be more targeted than Adsense.

For example: if you have an eCommerce store selling camera equipment, you can display Amazon’s affiliate links to provide relevant advertisements while driving sales to your shop! If someone clicks through one of those links and purchases a product from Amazon within 24 hours, you will receive a commission for that sale.

Affiliate Marketing

amazon associates homepage

If you can recommend products and services to people who will buy them through your site, affiliate marketing is an excellent way for bloggers to make money online!

This can be done with Amazon Associates, CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction), Flex Offers, and Rakuten LinkShare, to name a few.

There are many different companies in this space: do some research into which one best suits you and go from there.

I love to offer products from Clickbank because the commissions can be extremely high (and you can promote almost anything) but keep in mind that this will not start making money for your blog immediately.

Make sure to do research, find products and services that fit within your niche. Then, figure out how to best recommend them on your site, build an affiliate marketing campaign around it, write great content about these topics and share them with your social media accounts.

Sponsored posts

You are able to make money on your blog by writing sponsored posts. This can be a great way to get started, and it can also allow you to test the waters of blogging before getting too deep into it.

You can offer this service on platforms such as Fiverr, where advertisers will pay you for various things like:

  • Blog post promotion (including social media shares)
  • Guest posting gigs, or publishing their content on your site and sharing with your networks
  • A review of any product they want reviewing (this can include affiliate links) etc.

As long as you write good quality content about these products, people are willing to pay for them because what matters most is that they get seen by potential customers who would likely buy whatever’s being promoted.

It’s an excellent way of earning money, but you can’t expect to get rich overnight doing this. It will take time and effort before you can see any actual results in your earnings.


Yes, you can monetize a blog through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or ads. But, as your blog grows, you can try selling your products, courses, and services.

Starting a business in 1999 was hard. You need a ton of capital, and it’s very risky. However, with the advent of the internet, starting a business has become more accessible. You can make an online store overnight without any capital. You can even sell stuff on Amazon with very little money.

And, of course, blogging is just another form of starting your own business over the internet. If you are passionate enough and work hard, then there’s no reason why you can’t make some decent side income or even replace your day job entirely with this thing called “blogging.”

Heck, I’m just a nobody who worked at a factory, but I did it. Unfortunately, I’m not where I want to be yet.

I love the freedom blogging gives me, and I hope you can get the same joy once you’re able to monetize your blog.

So can a blog be monetized? You bet! Start your blog the right way today.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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