How Can I Start a Blog For Free: Ultimate 60 Seconds Guide

Nowadays, countless blogs exist online.

It can be a daunting task to find the perfect blog for you and your interests.

Luckily, I’m here to help! In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to start a new blog for free and what blogging tools are out there so you can create a fantastic website. 

Let’s get started!

How you can start a blog for free

wordpress logo and blogger log with the word free on it
How can I start a blog for free

If you’re very new to blogging, I’d recommend using Blogger. 

Google owns a blogger and is very easy to set up. 

Just head over to, click on the “sign up now “link at the top right of their homepage and enter your information. Bam! You’re all set!

There is also WordPress. Not the site, which is how you publish your posts and write pages, but It’s a blogging service with a lot of the same functionality as Blogger (easy to use design-builder, automatic updates to your blog’s feed). Still, it allows you more flexibility in how you want to build out your website.

How to start a blog on Blogger

Go to and click the “sign up now “link at the top right corner of their homepage. 

Please enter your information: name, username, password, how you want it to be displayed on your blog, etc. 

Click on the chevron to continue. Next, click on “create blog” Create a custom domain for your blog by clicking here.

It is that simple to start a blog on BloggerBlogger. All you need is to play around with how you want your website to look and how you want to customize it. 

This tutorial will show how you can start a blog on BloggerBlogger in less than 5 minutes. But, first, you will need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Sign Up for Blogger

You already have a Google account. If you don’t have one, follow these simple steps to sign up:

Google Account Page [select country and language]   

Enter your name, email address, password, and how you want it displayed on your blog Click “Create Account.”

Step 2: Log in to Blogger

Once you have created an account with, here are the steps that’ll help you start a blog in less than 5 minutes: 

Step 3: Choose your template

You will see three options below: Choose your template that resonates well with you and how you want your blog to look. 

Choose Beginner’s template if you are new to blogging, as it has everything required for a good blog.

Step 4: Write your first blog.

Write your post and click on Publish (make sure you clicked on “start a new draft”). 

Next, change the settings in the sidebar. This includes how often you want to post updates, how you want people to comment on your blog, or how many posts you won’t put up daily.

And that’s it! Now you have a blog for free.

How to start a blog on WordPress

Starting a blog on WordPress is easy.

– Go to

– Register for an account with them (this will take 2 minutes).

– When you’ve registered, log in to your account.

– Click “My Blogs” and then click on the one you want to create.

– Enter a title for your blog. Be careful how you type this because it cannot be changed once you start blogging!

This information is essential, so make sure it’s correct before proceeding.

People will find your blog by searching for the exact title that you enter here (so how can they find it if I don’t tell them what my blog’s titled?

See how there are some things which have not yet been considered!). The title of my blog was, “how can I start a blog for free” so how can I start a blog for free is how I entered it.

– Do not worry about how many views there are or how much traffic your site is getting – these things matter little at this stage! 

– Click “Create My Blog.”

Your blog will now be created, but it won’t look like much yet.

Now we need to choose which theme we’d like to use. This has an essential effect on how our website looks, so choose carefully!

– Click “Custom Design” to begin.

– Choose a color scheme that you like.

– You can choose how many columns your blog will have (I prefer 1 column.

You will now be able to add content to your site! However, I recommend starting with adding just one post to familiarize yourself with the controls and settings.

Here are a few essential blogging tips:

  •  first of all, try not to use ALL CAPS in your posts – it makes them look immature and difficult to read.
  •  Don’t plagiarize – copying and pasting looks bad on Google. And, Google is getting smarter everyday.
  • Keep paragraphs short. Two to three lines max.
  • Make it brief. Get to the point. People have low attention span nowadays.

Voila! You’re ready to launch your blog and share with the world how awesome it is to start a blog for free just like this! Good luck.


I know you want to start a blog, but there are so many options, and it can be overwhelming. Let me help!

Which free blogging platform do you prefer? If you don’t have an opinion yet, check out the pros and cons of each below before making your decision.

Blogger – This is one of the oldest platforms in existence, with over 400 million blogs created using this service.

It has no file size limits on images or videos, which allows for more flexibility than other sites like WordPress.

The downside is that they only offer 5GB storage space (plus Google Drive), whereas others will allow as much as 100GB+.

WordPress – One advantage to WordPress is their focus on design customization with their themes. They have a very expansive library of options that are easy to tweak and change as you desire.

They limit how many plugins you can use to only 50, also helps keep the site running at optimal speeds and determine how much it could potentially slow down later on.

They’ve had the most growth in recent times and now host over 60 million sites globally.

If you want to earn a good income with blogging. Here’s another quick tutorial on starting a blog the right way.

I personally love All my sites are running on WordPress. However, I’m not you. Which free blogging platform would you choose?

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey