10 Easy Steps to Start a Facebook Blog in 12 Minutes or Less

Creating a blog on Facebook has never been easier. In this post, I will show how to start a blog in 12 minutes or less.

This is not only for those who want to create their blog but also for companies that want to create an engaging content channel and attract new customers through Facebook’s massive user base of 1.13 billion monthly active users.

How to start a blog on Facebook

Laptop screen with words how to start a blog on facebook
How to start a blog on Facebook…

Starting a blog on Facebook is a quick process that can be completed within minutes. Step zero to start your blog on Facebook is to create an account with the social media platform, which will allow you both personal and professional posts in one location. The following are the steps you need to start:

  1. After logging into your account, click “Create Page.”
  2. There should be two options in front of you: One is “business,” and the other is “Community.” Choose which best describes your blog/business.
  3. Then you’ll have to choose which category your business falls under. Again, choose the one best describes your business.
  4. After you are done customizing your blog, one of the last parts to complete is uploading a profile picture. It can be tricky figuring out what type of photo should go in this spot because it’s so important for people who visit your page and want feedback from followers. Make sure whatever image you put up meets these criteria: 1) related to topic 2) professional 3) be authentic.
  5. Upload your cover photo. You will want to put a picture that is relevant to your blog in the cover photo. It should also be professional, so make sure you don’t upload anything with raucous behavior or other inappropriate content. Unless, of course, raucous behavior is what you’re going for.
  6. Change the URL. Your blog fan page will be generated after you’ve uploaded (or skipped uploading) your pictures. One of the first things to do is change your page’s URL. To do this, click on the “See More” tab and select “About.” You should see a “Create Page @username” option; click on it. You can create the username, and your URL will also be updated according to this. For example, if I choose “blogzn” as my new username on Facebook, not only does that automatically become my blog site but when someone clicks through, they are taken right back onto their timeline or profile with no hassle at all.
  7. After you have the URL sorted out, you want to add a short description of your blog. Here, give an overview of what it is and any other information that might be useful for potential readers.
  8. To make sure that your business is represented and in-depth, you must use the About tab. On this page, provide all of the information about yourself, including website links for more information or a contact email address where visitors can reach out with any questions they may have. It might take some time but be thorough.
  9. Make sure you have all the information on your blog post and Facebook fan page filled out before starting this process. Once that’s done, invite friends from within your network who are already connected with you on Facebook first, so they’re more likely to show up since it will be easier for them; then keep going until every other person is invited too 🙂
  10. Promote your blog page. If you have the money, use ads. But, if you’re broke as a joke, try Facebook groups. Join groups that are relevant to your business and give value. Don’t try to sell, as good groups are tightly moderated. A common rule is not to promote yourself or your business. Break it, and you’ll likely be warned then banned the second time.

What are the benefits of starting a blog on Facebook?

Starting a blog on Facebook is free, but organic reach has declined. You need to rely on ads to get your business some eyeballs. Or you can hack it and join groups to join in the conversation. But there are benefits to starting a blog on Facebook. Here are some of them:

  • Test how your content performs on Facebook right away without investing a lot of money in ads.
  • It’s free, so it doesn’t cost anything to start one and experiment with posting different posts (texts, images, videos).
  • You can link back to blog articles that you’ve published from your website or other social media pages like Twitter or LinkedIn. This will help drive traffic for those who are following both!
  • Did I mention that it’s free?

Ways to make money off of your new Facebook Blog

There are many ways you can make money off of a Facebook page blog. Here are just some of them:

  1. Sell products and services.
  2. Send traffic to affiliate sites which you’ll get some percentage from qualified sales.
  3. Promote local businesses if you’re business is focused on a geographic location.
  4. Sell your services to grow other businesses’ pages since you now have proof that you can grow a page from 0 to X followers. But, grow your page first for social proof.

Tips for getting more followers and likes for your new Facebook Blog Page

Here are some tips to help you get more followers and likes for your new Facebook Page blog:

  1. Find pages related to what you’re blogging about, find those popular posts that are doing well, and like them. This will show the people who run the page how active you are in liking their content, leading to a fan.
  2. Post engaging content. Facebook is how people connect with friends and family, so they’re likely to continue reading the posts on your blog if you show them that you care about what’s important to them.
  3. Share content from other pages to spread awareness of their page as well as yours. It also means that they will like your post, creating a win-win situation for everybody.
  4. Create a catchy title and description that will show up in the search results so people can find you easily from their news feed or profile page.
  5. Comment on other pages to start discussions with other users and share how they have helped you out. This is like spreading your goodwill around, which builds popularity.
  6. Commenting on different pages is a great way to show how you care about what’s important, trending, and, most importantly, popular in the world. This will also increase your number of likes because people like it when others comment on their posts with positive feedback or how they have helped them out.
  7. Post status updates that relay how much you know about the subject you are writing on. This is how to avoid annoying self-promotion and get more people to like your page instead of unfollowing it because they think that you’re spamming their feed with constant posts from yourself, which will make them very irritated.


If you’ve been looking for a way to make money online, Facebook might be your answer.

There are many ways you can use this social media powerhouse to support yourself financially and create an income with the right strategies in place.

One of these is by creating a blog and using it as a marketing tool on Facebook. The tips I provided will help you get started thinking about how to leverage the power of Facebook in your digital marketing strategy.

Have you tried any of them? What has worked for getting more likes or followers? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you to continue providing helpful content like this one every week!

There you have it! That’s how to start a blog on Facebook.

Want to make more money online? Follow our free guide to start a blog that makes you money even while you sleep.

Make sure to check out the best blogging tools for bloggers who want to make things a little bit easier.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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