Start Your Own Gardening Blog: 10 Ways to Grow your Site

If you love gardening and want to share your passion with the world, then it’s time to start your blog!

If you’re unsure how to get started, this article will give you 10 ways that can help grow your site.

You’ll learn how to set up a domain name, choose a good design for your website, how and where to promote your content online, and more.

Read on for all of these tips and tricks, as well as other useful information on how to start a gardening blog successfully today!

Steps to starting and growing your gardening blog

Ready to get started growing your garden blog?

Here are the steps you’ll need to get your blog up and running:

1) Plan your blog

Planning your blog is important to have a clear goal and an organized vision for how your blog will look.

Think about how you want to title the blog, what content you plan on posting and how often (daily, weekly), who your audience is and how many readers it can handle, how long each post should be, and so on.

Doing this will help keep everything in line as you start creating content and running your business!

The following bullet points can help you plan your blog:

  1. Define your goals -Setting goals will help you accomplish all the other steps, hours of writing, and obstacles that are bound to show up. Goals can be motivational, too, if there is a clear understanding of what they entail. They should set out how much time needs to be committed for it to happen and provide motivation when things get tough or boring.
  2. Perform some target market research – For starters, ask yourself a few good questions: Where do your audience hang out online? (Certain blogs, social media platforms, forums) What is their biggest gripe at work? (Maybe they hate commuting or bosses.) What sort of content or articles do they most enjoy reading? Lookup Google analytics for successful posts on blogging sites. Or use BuzzSumo to see what’s popular in the industry you’re trying to make it big with.
  3. Come up with topic ideas and keywords to target – SEO (search engine optimization) is not as difficult or overwhelming for those new to the game. It can be broken down into 3 simple steps: find some keywords you want to rank for that have high search volume and low-ish competition; write mind-blowingly good blog content about your main keyword(s) with them in title, body, headers, etc.; work on getting backlinks pointing at this article from other relevant sites using your chosen anchor text phrase. If done right, it should only take a few months before moving up the rankings!
  4. Create a content calendar – The best content calendars are a total game-changer for any writer. With one, you’re always ahead of the curve and never scrambling to find something new when your readers need it most. It’s like having an assistant who knows what they want before they know!
  5. Build amazing content – A well-written, researched, and media-rich piece of content can engage an audience with ease. Formatting for skimming provides a way to skim the article, searching for key information that they may need quickly without reading every word on the page. It also helps provide context through clearly labeled sections, so readers don’t feel like it’s necessary to know all about your topic before getting started or reading on!

2) Choose a name for your blog

Ready to name your blog? Your domain name will provide a recognizable web address for your content. We recommend using your personal or business name, as this can help you establish credibility and build an audience if done well!

For some, naming a blog can be time-consuming. And for others, they go with whatever. My recommendation is to try to have a name related to the things you’ll be talking about.

For example:

  • Men’s Health – This is pretty straightforward.
  • Healthline – Again, straightforward.
  • Making Sense Of Cents – Without going to their website, I already know it’s about managing or making money or has something to do with finance.

There are exceptions. With the power of branding, you can use any name you like. Just look at these examples:

  • Nike – What comes to mind when you hear Nike? Sports. Performance. Athlete. The best.
  • Apple – Computer. Exclusivity. Cool.
  • McDonald’s – Family. Fast food.

The brand name has no meaning or is completely unrelated to the business. But, when you hear it, you already know what you’re getting into. That’s branding.

3) Get hosted

To give your blog a great home, there are many hosting services to choose from. You’ll want to find one that offers plenty of bandwidth and storage without overcharging you for how much data you use each month.

I recommend using Bluehost, they offer excellent customer service and a 30-day money-back guarantee if their product doesn’t meet your needs! Also, you can get a free domain when you join with them. Click here to find out how.

4) Write about gardening in general, not just your garden

Writing about your garden can be limiting. So, write anything about gardening. You could write how to grow flowers, cook vegetables from the garden, or even make a terrarium.

5) Include pictures of your garden on the blog

Pictures can say a thousand words. They’re also great for SEO and search engines like Google and Bing that will index them, which means more people will find your blog.

You don’t need a huge professional DSLR to take great photos. But, do you have a phone? Well, your phone has a camera that takes photos and quickly shares them on social media. That’s a big plus when it comes to growing your social accounts.

6) Use Keywords to come up with blog posts

Coming up with topics to write about can be one of the most challenging parts of blogging.

The best way to come up with topics is by brainstorming keywords related to your blog’s theme or topic. It can be difficult at first, but it becomes easier over time, and you’ll find yourself coming up with new ideas and how to use these keywords in fresh ways every once in a while.

It doesn’t hurt if you keep a list of keywords on hand either, so when inspiration strikes, you’re all set!

I use many tools to help with my blogging. You can find the keyword tool I use in this blog post about blogging tools.

7) Stay consistent

The key to consistent blogging success is not letting a week go by without publishing an article, and search engines love websites with the freshest content.

You can also use the blogging tools I mention in this blog post to help with your consistency!

8) Join social media

Don’t say you’re too old. Or only young people have social media accounts.

Love it or hate it, social media is a great way to gain awareness of your blog.

You can share photos of how well plants have grown in a week or two with social media. You can also show off your latest finds at the garden center.

It’s all about growing your following while keeping up with what kind of plant life is trending this year.

You’re never too old to join Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, so go for it!

9) Network

Build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in the industry to grow your blog and find new content that you can share. I recommend introducing yourself on their social then reach out when it feels right!

If you are looking for how to start a gardening blog, one of my favorite tips is building relationships! Social media has made this process easier than ever before.

There are many ways to get in touch with fellow bloggers. You can check out their contact page, social accounts, or, depending on your location, in person.

The key is to make friends genuinely. The benefits will come.


I hope these tips help you start a garden blog that will be successful. You might want to consider the following:

Choose a name for your blog that is easy to remember and spell.

Try not to focus on just one subject- write about gardening in general, not just your garden.

This way, when people search for the information, they’re more likely to find your site via Google or other search engines.

Include pictures of your garden on the blog as well!

Use keywords wisely – try synonyms or related words if you can’t find what you need from this list below.

Write at least one new post per week. Cancel your trip to the garden center if you have to.

When you’re ready to get the garden blog growing, click on our free how to start a blog guide so you don’t make mistakes that can ruin your blog in the long run.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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