Best Topics to Blog About That Makes Money In 2022

There are dozens of topics that you can blog about in 2022! Of course, topics like cooking, personal finance, and investing are the most popular. However, there is no need to stick with one topic if you don’t want to. The trick is to write content around your niche, so people know what information they will find on your blog. I.e., if you have a website about fitness routines for seniors, then it’s essential to include keywords like “senior health,” “fitness tips for seniors,” and “senior fitness” in your posts.

Topics to blog about in 2022

There have been many topics to blog about since the dawn of the Internet. Here’s what’s trending in 2021:

Blog about making money

A blog about making money is one of the most popular and profitable because it helps people. Even if they know how to make money, they will look for advice on saving and investing it right. If they are willing to save more, the audience will look for guidelines from those who succeeded in this area.

More than that, this blog topic will never go out of style. People who want to find new ways to earn and manage money will come and read your blog. That means you will get more traffic and more people who convert into customers.

Many people find personal finance topics exciting and valuable are making money online, personal finance management, stocks, and other investment options. You can also get guest writers with backgrounds in finance to share their “hacks” with your readers.

Blog about technology

This topic is a good choice if you are interested in the latest technology. By telling people about new tech, you will attract traffic and possible advertisers to your blog.

Hundreds of companies release new tech products every week. Blogs are an excellent way to share news and reviews. So you should turn your WordPress blog into a place where people come to find the latest news in the tech world.

You can post content on different sub-topics. For example, you can also post artificial intelligence, mobile phones, PC games, applications, and operating systems updates.

Personal development blog

People are looking for blogs on self-care. These days, people are more competitive, and they want to be better, more professional, and happier in every aspect of their lives.

You could write a general blog about personal development, but focusing on a specific sub-niche would be better. That way, you can get more targeted traffic.

People usually look for expert advice in emotional intelligence, mindfulness, leadership, and public speaking. So write how-to guides that will help your audience grow.

Marketing blog

The Internet is used for many things. For example, people can find information and buy things online. And this technology is multiplying. As a result, there are many challenges that today’s marketers need to face.

You can help them by giving them valuable insights into the niche of WordPress blogs by updating your blog often with helpful information about it.

People want to learn about growth and digital marketing. They look for new strategies and tools to refresh their online presence.

Some people search for content on the topic of digital marketing. If you look at Google’s report by Ahrefs, there are many sub-niches of digital marketing, including SEO, video marketing, social media, content marketing, web design, email marketing.

So you can blog about all these things or focus on the sub-niches that interest you most.

To build a good reputation, blog about things people care about. Do this by showing data and good examples to help people learn.

If you are not sure how to write your posts, consider finding a professional writer or using an app that checks grammar for you. One helpful tool is Grammarly that I use to check my writing for grammar mistakes.

Food blog

Everyone needs food, so there is no surprise that people love to read blogs about food. For example, one blog might have healthy recipes, and the other might have interesting facts about food. In addition, there are a lot of blogs with data on what is popular in this area.

Make a blog about food. Post recipes, videos, information about different types of food, what people in your area are eating, and when they are eating it.

Make good pictures for your food blog. They need to be eye-catching and make people want to eat what you cook.

Blog about fashion

People love to shop for clothing and other fashion items. They all want to look beautiful to spend their money on these things, sometimes even more than once a year. However, the niche is not just about clothes: shoes, perfumes, and cosmetics.

If you want to start a fashion blog, be prepared for a lot of work. You will need to research new things and watch out for trends. In addition, it is essential to update your blog often, so people don’t forget about it.

People search online for fashion and style guidelines. So make a blog with high-quality images and posts about trends, new collections, fashion weeks, etc.

So you don’t drown from the sea of other fashion bloggers, share your unique views. Your personality and authenticity are what matter in blogging today.

Health and fitness blog

Health and fitness are one of, if not the most profitable niches for bloggers. People always need information about how to stay fit. So they search for anti-aging, diets, workouts, and more.

Blogs about health and everything related bring in a lot of traffic and make profits. Just check all the health-related topics on Google Trends. I know it’s true because I saw it with my own two eyes!

It’s a big topic, and it will be hard to have trouble with ideas for your blog. Write about diets or healthy food, share tips on losing weight, teach people about managing time for better sleep and less stress, write reviews of health products.

Don’t share anything on your blog unless it is “data-driven and scientifically proven.” You don’t need to be a doctor to talk about health, but make sure you spend time researching before putting anything on your blog that might influence someone else’s health. Ask experts for help if you are not sure.

How to choose a topic for a blog

A blog can be easy or hard to figure out. It is suitable for sharing information with people, making records of your life, exploring a hobby, or doing something you like. First, you need to decide what you want to talk about on your blog.

A blog is an excellent way to share your thoughts and feelings. Think about these things when you start one:

  • Be reader-centric: Who are your readers? How can you make them happy? If they come, what will they learn from you?
  • Pick a topic you love: Don’t choose to write about something that you think will attract readers or look good. You’ll be writing for the blog, and it is nice if you like your subject. Your passion will show through to your readers, and they will keep coming back to read more of what you have written.
  • Decide which topics are appropriate: Bloggers might decide not to share certain things with people on the Internet, like what happened last night at a party.

You can be a successful blogger if you have readers. They should write comments and share things with other readers.

It is essential to find a topic and stick with it. But if you have trouble finding a good one, you can still do what you want. It is ok if your style changes and what you blog about.

How to find a topic to blog about?

You can use many tools to find a good topic to blog about—tools such as Ubersuggest, AHREF, or SEMRUSH.


I use SEMRUSH, which I detail in the 9 best blogging tools article. These blogging tools are what I use to run my blogging businesses.

From email marketing, writing, content planning, SEO, general marketing, and so much more. Check them out when you have the time.

I use SEMRUSH to find topics to blog about. SEMRUSH’s Topic Research tool helps you find things to write about. You type in the topic. It will show you what other people are writing about that topic, and it can give you ideas for content or catchy headlines.

Topic research is a way to find topics for your content. Topic research is simple and easy, but it’s also good because it helps you find things to talk about. In addition, people can use this tool to find new ideas for their writing.

All you need to do is type in a topic you’re interested in the search bar. After pressing “enter,” you’ll be given fresh ideas to write about.

You can even target countries or cities to find which is the most searched about a topic. Again, it’s simple and easy to use.

Another free tool is using Google search’s auto-suggest.

Google Auto Suggest

This keyword research “tool” is more demanding and time-consuming, albeit effective. Here’s what you do:

  1. Go to or,
  2. You can specify which country to target by going to the appropriate URL. For example, the US should look like “” Japan would look like, “” If you don’t know the specific URL for each country, use any google search bar and type “google [country].”
  3. Start your research by typing your topic. For example, if your niche is about chess, then type in “chess.”
  4. You should see other topic ideas related to chess in the drop-down suggestions.
  5. Now type in “chess a.” The drop-down suggestions should change and populate it with other chess topics that start with “chess a” or something similar.
  6. Start writing about those topic ideas, and once finished, move on to “chess b.”
  7. And so forth…

That’s pretty much how I researched a topic for a blog when I couldn’t afford tools such as SEMRUSH. However, I wished I had used SEMRUSH sooner because writing already takes a long time. And, anything that makes you proficient, saves time is worth having.


Those are my best topics to blog about that make money in 2022 and find issues. To recap, they are the following:

  • Making money
  • Tech
  • Personal development
  • Marketing
  • Food
  • Fashion
  • Health and fitness

I use SEMRUSH extensively nowadays and seldom use the Google Autosuggest feature.

If you’ve already started blogging, check out the best blogging tools I use daily to run my blogging business.

And, if you need some step-by-step guide on how to have a successful blog check this article about running a blog that makes money.

Don’t worry. It’s free.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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