How To Find A Good Writer On Fiverr

Fiverr is not the best observation point when looking for good writers for your blog. The problem with Fiverr is that you don’t know who you are working with. It’s difficult to trust people when it’s all anonymous, and what happens if they copy-paste your content word-for-word somewhere else? But if this is where you need to be because of your budget. Worry not, this is how to find a good writer on Fiverr.

Questions to ask to find good writers on Fiverr

fiverr writing and translation category

Is the work time limited? Ask for hourly estimates or ask them to charge by project instead of per article (you might want to double-check their fees before ordering). How much work will they do in one day? Do they meet deadlines well? What kind of resumes do they have? Ask for samples of their work.

Then again, are their answers verifiable? Do they have a LinkedIn profile you can examine? How do you know that the samples they are showing you are written by them and not copied from other websites. I’ve had my fair share of them. Initially, they show a magnificent piece of article worthy of Hemingway. However, when it comes to the finished goods, it’s nothing but.

But, there is a reason why people hire writers on Fiverr. And, it’s always the money. Fiverr offers the cheapest freelancers. Back in the day, you could hire an average SEO Copywriter for $5. Hence, “Five” rr. If your budget is low and you don’t want to write, you can only try their service.

The “try a writer” method

There’s no way of knowing how good they are until you see the results. That’s what I’ve done in the past. And, I usually proofread and edit for another hour or two until the written piece becomes decent enough to read. I only recommend this method if you know how to write. Otherwise, you might be publishing content that is hard to read or doesn’t make sense.

It’s great when you find good writers using this method. But, the problem is that when they are good, they’ll be in demand. And, once they are getting more orders than they can handle, they’ll raise their price. So now, you can’t afford them and have to find another to write for you.

It would be nice if no one knew about that good writer you found, but Fiverr’s algorithm is working against you. So, how do you find an excellent writer to try? Unfortunately, there is no magic formula here. It’s like opening a box of chocolate.

“You never know what you’re gonna get.”

How I find copywriters to try is by using the “sort by newest arrival.” New sellers that may have potential always start offering their services at $5 for 500 words, $10 for 1000 words, and $15 for 1500 words.

Another way you can tell if they could be a good writer is by reading their job description and bio. If they are incomprehensible or don’t read right, chances are, the final draft is the same.

You’ll find duds most of the time. I did find some gems but eventually raised their price once they knew their worth. I still use them to this day.

Now, if you have the budget, then it’s as simple as looking for the “Pro Verified,” “Fiverr’s Choice,” or “top-Rated Seller” on their thumbnail.


Looking for a good writer on Fiverr on a budget is challenging. But, you can find some gems charging at a meager price. However, it’s only a matter of time before they raise their rate.

Writing is hard and time-consuming. Writers are often given projects they aren’t familiar with. It’s best that the writer know the topic like the back of their hands for accuracy and credibility.

You don’t want your readers following “your” advice that will cause them a great deal of harm. You’re responsible.

I hope you can find a great writer for your blogging business using this method as I did. When you find a good writer, nurture that relationship, and treasure it. Good writers will propel your blogging business to the stratosphere.

Don’t know how to start a blogging business? Check out the start a blog article.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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