Local SEO services

Okay, so here’s the thing.

I have been in the SEO game for quite some time.

Heck, I’m still listening to Google search engine webmasters daily. I guess I enjoy all the rankings and analytical geeky stuff.

So much so that I became proficient and knowledgeable about it. I decided to introduce local SEO services to my local clients.

Local SEO services that will get you in the Top 3

In the SEO world, nothing comes quick.

However, I have found, when it comes to local search, you can get to the first page in 3 months!

Local SEO is different from general SEO. There are certain aspects of local SEO you can leverage to be at the top quicker.

Multiple leverages equate to ample of opportunities for your business.

This is what a local SEO specialist can do for your business:

  • More leads
  • FREE leads
  • 9x your profit

If you have no idea about how Google local business can help you grow and make more money, let me explain.

When you need a plumber, what do you do? You take out your phone, and you search, “plumber near me,” in Google or Bing, right? Yes, people use Bing.

What if your business appears on the first page of the search results?

You get more phone calls!

The more calls you get, the more you make money, correct?

Well, that’s what I can do for your business.

I can get you those phone calls.

The view is better at the top.

That’s right, once you are in the top 3 of Google, it’s hard to dethrone you.

Get to first page of Google

Local SEO services can be expensive

Hiring local SEO services can be costly. However, don’t dwell on the initial price. Instead, think of it as an investment.

An investment that will grow your revenue and cut costs.

How much are you paying for your Google Ads, Facebook Ads, social media ads, and billboards? Hundreds? Thousands of dollars?

Once your budget is gone, your means to acquire leads vanish.

With SEO, you are generating free leads FOREVER!

Sounds very good. However…

An excellent local SEO specialist can charge you from $5,000 to $10,000 per month.

A cheap one will promise you the world for $400 per month.

So, why not go for the cheaper option?

Why not just spend $400 and see where that will take you?

Well, If you have been offered a car that will never break down, it has no problems, nothing to spend for $300, would you take it?

Heck no!

The car, which seemed like a bargain at the time, will give you killer migraines in the future—a similar scenario to websites that hired cheap SEO marketers and agencies.

The cheap cost usually means fewer hours spent on the campaign. The hourly rate of an SEO starts from $75 to $200. Can you imagine if I spent only 5 hours on your business for the whole month? Writing 1 article alone can take 6 hours.

Due to businesses hiring “affordable” SEO marketers and agencies that are not updated with the unsurmountable amount of algorithm changes Google makes.

Many businesses have lost a significant amount of money because Google deemed their site to be spammy and not credible.

You see, most of these cheap SEO agencies use black hat techniques, which can be detrimental to your business. Either they don’t know that they are not within the rules of Google or they deliberately disregard the guidelines for a quick boost in rank that doesn’t last.

It is more costly to get your website back to good standings with Google than hiring a local SEO specialist that complies with Google guidelines right from the get-go.

What I use for your business are all 100% whitehat techniques that are approved by Google.

And… I’m always on my toes about new changes Google pumps out.

So, you have nothing to worry about your website being run to the ground for non-compliance.

Get to first page of Google

Do you need a local SEO services?

You are probably in the Yellowpages, whitepages, or some directory for your business. Perhaps, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and a slew of social media ads. How much are you paying for them monthly?

If you are anything like my previous client, he was spending $2,000 for 3 to 5 leads a month. He charges $350 for his service.

He is barely making any money after you take away the costs to provide his service.

Big waste of money.

Huge waste of time.

While, if you are on the number 1 page of search results, especially if you are the top 3, your phone will ring off the hook — guaranteed.

So, maybe the question is not, “do you need a local SEO specialist?” It should be, are you willing to keep paying without results?

I’ve been in the local SEO game for a long time, and I know what works. I have a complete system that will boost your local website to the top.

I will provide a detailed report in Google docs, which you can check in real-time. For each work I do, you will be notified. So, at least you know that I am doing my job.

Well, you don’t need to check up on me because if I don’t perform, you will tell your friends, and they tell their friends, bad for business.

So, how much do I charge for local SEO services?

That’s easy. You already know competent local SEO specialists charge an arm and a leg. They are probably big marketing firms and agencies that need to inflate their prices to pay for their staff.

Well, I’m not a big marketing firm. I don’t have employees to budget for or an office.

All I have is my 11 years of SEO knowledge, my laptop, and the internet. It’s quite cheap to run as you can imagine.

Look, I can charge as much as the big boys. This proven system will get you to the top local searches in as little as 3 to 5 months.

I can easily price it at $5,000 a month for my proven method, but I won’t. Nope. I am not going to charge you anywhere near that.

Your investment for my guaranteed to work system will only set you back from $900 per month.

Special Update

I am not able to offer this low price forever. I do have a mortgage and bills to think about.

This system has shown beyond doubt that it can get a website on the first page of Google. I was going to ask $3,000 instead of $5,000… but I know that’s a bit steep for some small businesses. So, I decided on a starting low price of $900 a month.

However, I can’t continue offering this low price at all times.

Order today before the price goes up dramatically!

Now, I’m sure you’ll agree that $900 a month is a drop in the ocean compared to how you’ll generate extra revenue for your business.

Heck, even if you only get 1 buying customer, it would have paid for itself. And that’s not including the forever FREE leads it will bring to you in the future.


Christian Tanobey

P.S. — My partner thinks I’m too generous. So, once I have my first 10 clients, this special offer closes, and the price will increase. You snooze, you lose. So hurry…

Get to first page of Google

A breakdown of my work

Initial analysis will be performed on your pages so you can see the improvements after I’ve implemented my local SEO strategies.

I will keep you updated on any work performed, weekly. You can also check a live report 24/7 about any changes on your website.

Click on the link below to see the breakdown of the work to get your website to the top 3 of Google map search:

Premium Local SEO Services

Local business, local SEO services

Helping local businesses with local SEO services. You will get results. Get us to help your business reach the top 3 of Google snack packs.

When you search for local businesses, you will get top 3 results and that’s where you should be because no one ever scrolls down or click to the second page.

Look, my local SEO services will blow your competitions out of the water. Even big agencies charging 5x what I’m charging will have to take notice when you are sitting on top of Google.

Once they look in your direction, it’s important to monitor your website for spam and attacks. There are agencies out there that need to implement malicious activities to stay on top.

You need a local SEO service that continually optimizes and secure your website. Spams and attacks will come when you become a threat.

My new project site that is only 3 months old is already receiving spammy links. I guess “they” are starting to take notice.

Christian Tanobey
Phone: +61430 493 950

Or email me at hi@blogzn.com to arrange a Zoom call or any communication app popular these days.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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