Where did the word blog come from? (Must-read story)

Blog? Wtf is that? 

You would be saying those exact words too back in 1997.

Today, a blog is synonymous with websites or articles on a website.

But where did the word blog come from?

It sounds like a freak of nature.

How did the word blog come about?

The word blog is derived from the word Weblog coined by John Barger in 1997.

Weblog doesn’t sound cool enough, so Peter Merholz did the best thing and shortened it to “blog.”

The genius decided to break the word up into two by writing “we blog” in the sidebar of his blog, peterme.com.

Many people in the weblog circle saw the sidebar “we blog” many times. And I guess the word was adopted, and it stuck.

We use the word blog when we refer to writing articles on the web or a website. Instead of saying, “I’m going to start a website,” we can say, “I’m going to start a blog.”

Here’s food for thought. Some bloggers may disagree with the following:

A blog can mean a blog entry or a blog post. 

You can say, “here’s one of the blogs I’ve written after breaking up with my best friend, Michael.”

The following is a “blog” I wrote discussing why the word “blog” can also be short for a blog entry or a blog post: Blog or blogs.

What do you think?


You’d think that with the number of people on the planet, only Peter Merholz thought of the word “blog”?

I’m sure there was someone who thought weblog could be broken up into two words. People who hated the word “weblog,” and decides to shorten it with the word “blog.”

Of course, there were many. I’m sure of that. But Peter Merholz was the one who put it into action, and now he is the one who comes to mind when you ask, “where did the word blog come from?”

And the word “blog” has become synonymous with many things online today.

You can pretty much replace the word website, web page, blog post, or blog entry with the word “blog.”

Am I correct that we can use the word “blog” instead of saying blog entry or blog post? 

Whether I’m right or wrong, it doesn’t matter because you need to start your blog and start making money online on autopilot.

It’s a little harder now but there are many blogging tools that can make things a little bit easier.

Just like Peter Merholz, take action. And one day you’ll also reap the benefits.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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