Blog Writer: What I Do on a Day-to-Day Basis

Hi, I’m a Blog Writer! Blog Writer is a title that describes what I do on a day-to-day basis. Blogs are an exciting way to express your thoughts and feelings about many different topics. Blogging has been around for years now, but it’s still prevalent among people who want to share their perspectives with others. In this article, I talk about the steps to being a blogger, how much you can make, and how you can become one.

What is a blog writer?

3 people sitting down having a discussion about blog writers
What is a blog writer?

A blog writer is someone who writes blog posts regularly. They may have their blog or contribute to other blogs as a guest writer.

Blog writers can write about anything under the sun and often share personal thoughts and experiences.

I suggest writing about the topics you know and can’t shut up about. Otherwise, you will most likely quit and say that blogging doesn’t work.

What is a typical day for a blogger?

There is no typical day for a blogger! Some bloggers spend time researching new topics to write about, while others sit down and start writing based on whatever comes to mind.

Others may try to focus on other aspects of being a blog writer. Such as promoting themselves on social media, emailing potential customers, cold calls, maintaining Facebook groups or communities. There are many aspects to becoming a successful blog writer. And, it’s not limited to writing.

In general, however, most bloggers try to publish new content at least once a week.

Here’s what my schedule looks like in a week:

MondayKeyword research, start the first draft.
TuesdayProofread, SEO, create an image, publish.
WednesdayCreate content for social media, schedule posts.
ThursdayEmail potential clients, get started on the second article by doing keyword research and writing the first draft.
FridayProofread, improve SEO, create images, and publish.
SaturdayCreate content for social media and schedule posts.
SundayTake a breather or start on the next article.
Blog writer weekly schedule

How do you become a successful blogger?

There is no one formula for becoming a successful blogger. However, there are some things that all successful bloggers have in common.

They are focused, they believe, they don’t listen to the negatives, they keep going even when it gets rough. Basically, you need the right mindset. It’s time to change that.

If you’re the type who gets paralyzed by other people’s opinions, this is something you need to watch:

Gary Vee addressing the haters and why you should not care

Watch Gary Vaynerchuk’s content if you’re having trouble with negativity in your life or need a little kick up the bum. He may deliver it raw, in your face, some may not like it, but what he says is true, and proven. He did build his dad’s wine library from 3M to 60M.

It doesn’t have to be Gary Vaynerchuk. There are others who label themselves as motivators. There are many who can motivate the bejesus out of you.

I like Gary because he thinks of himself as a businessman and not a roo roo raa raa life guru.

There are other things that make a successful blogger. But, if I can go back in time, I would tell myself to sit my butt back down and work! Don’t worry what others think and go hard.

What skills do you need for this job?

Writing ability is required since blogging is an online writing platform. Bloggers also benefit from strong interpersonal communication skills to interact well on blogs themselves and other social media sites used by bloggers.

Bloggers should be creative thinkers capable of thinking outside the box when working on new topics to write about each week!

How much does a blogger make per month?

Many bloggers make anywhere from $0 to $50,000 per month. Of course, this is a wide range, but it just shows that there are many opportunities out there for blogging success!

Of course, there are other bloggers who don’t make anything at all. Either they lack the focus, the drive, or the right mindset. Also, they may be lost and don’t know-how.

You can start your blogging journey by reading this free, step-by-step guide to making money with blogging.

What is your work schedule?

Since bloggers can often work remotely, the hours and days worked vary greatly depending on each individual’s preference.

Typically, most bloggers spend around 20-30 hours per week writing blog posts. However, this number may be more or less depending on how much time is devoted to other social media engagement or networking activities.

Can you set your rates?

Many bloggers can negotiate their rates with clients based on their services. Rates can vary significantly based on experience level, previous work quality, and the type of blog written.

Bloggers will also often have to look for clients themselves rather than through a traditional employer-employee relationship.

How many hours do bloggers work per week?

As stated above, most bloggers dedicate around 20 or 30 hours per week towards blogging activities such as writing posts and engaging in social media marketing campaigns while also maintaining a day job.

This number varies greatly depending on the blogger’s commitments and workload.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in becoming a freelance blogger?

Yes! First and most important, be sure that you are passionate about blogging and writing. It takes a lot of hard work to be successful as a freelance blogger, so make sure that you are willing to put in the effort.

Secondly, start building your online presence by creating high-quality content and engaging with other bloggers and social media users.

Finally, reach out to potential clients and negotiate rates that work for both parties. Being proactive will help increase your chances of success as a freelance blogger.

What tools or resources that would you recommend?

There are many great tools and resources available for freelance blog writers. For starters, check out the how to start a blog, Clickfunnels, and the blogging tools section.

This resource is packed with tips, tutorials, and advice for freelance bloggers.

Additionally, several helpful books on the subject, such as The Bloggers’ Guide to Successful Blogging by Yaro Starak and Guerilla Marketing For Writers by Jay Conrad Levinson.

Finally, don’t forget to utilize these valuable online tools to help manage your blog, SEO, and marketing.


Being a blogger can be extremely rewarding both professionally and personally. What do you love most about blogging? I enjoy sharing information, and you can say that blogging is my passion. Blog writers are always learning something new every day!

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Christian Tanobey

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