How Bloggers Make Money on Instagram And Get Rich!

So, you started a blog. Now you want to leverage social media platforms such as Instagram to promote your blog. It’s no secret that Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites globally, and it has quickly become a hub for bloggers. These days, if you want to find out how bloggers make money on Instagram, scroll through your feed. You’ll get a general idea by looking at their posts, especially when it says #ad on it. Keep reading to see how you too can make money on Instagram as a blogger.

How bloggers make money on Instagram

If you want to be a successful blogger on Instagram, focus on content and a little bit of basic photography helps. Of course, you will not make a considerable amount of money right away, but you will get better over time.

Brand partnership

Instagram brand partnership

You have followers who look to you when they want to know about your favorite brands and products. As you get more popular, brands will pay you for this information.

Tips to make money with brand partnership

  1. Be true to yourself.  Followers can tell when you are different. This makes them unhappy. Stay true to the style that your followers like, and only partner with other similar brands.
  2. Be transparent. When a company sponsors your content, they want you to talk about them. They also want their logo in the picture. And you should tell your followers that this is a sponsored ad.
  3. Always record videos vertically. When people watch videos without sound, they might miss the words. So put text in the video or enable subtitles in advanced settings.
  4. Know what’s prohibited. There are some products that you can’t advertise on branded content. These include drugs and weapons. There are others that you can only advertise with restrictions, like alcohol. See the list of these products.
  5. Don’t include ads in videos or images. Check out what it looks like in their visual guide.
  6. Add “paid partnership.” If you get paid for your content, you need to add a “paid partnership” label. If you are unsure if it qualifies, read their list of scenarios.

Here’s a little tip from one of Instagrams successful content creators:

Figure out how to include the brand in a video that you’re already planning. Write a skit where the brand is sprinkled on like a nice “seasoning” at the end. And create stuff you love, not stuff you think will perform well.

Chaz Smith @chazsmith

How to negotiate brand partnership deals

You will negotiate the terms of every deal that you make for branded content. Therefore, every deal will be different. You should always give data to the company and tell them how many followers you have, how many likes your posts get, or if they are shared a lot on social media. If your posts have been popular in the past, it might help when negotiating a rate with them.

Make money from “Badges Live” content

Instagram badges live

If you’re using the badges in Live, your fans can support you by buying badges during your live content. In addition, you can create more videos that you know people want to watch.

Here’s to make money with “Badges Live”

  1. Get a refresher on Live. Badges follow the same rules as live videos. If you’ve learned how to do live videos, you can also learn how to put badges on. If you want badges and need a refresher, visit the Live page.
  2. Involve your supporters. Ask them what they want to see in the story before you go live. You can see if someone buys a badge during the live so that you can talk with them.
  3. Tell people that you have enabled badges for your live video. If they are watching at different times, remind them at the video’s beginning, middle, and end.
  4. Be grateful. Thank your fans often. For example, by saying their names out loud, send them a message of thanks or mention them in your stories after a live video.

How Badges work

When fans buy badges, you will see hearts next to their username. You can also see how many people bought badges and how much money you have made. If you want to know more about the earnings from your live video, tap View during the video or go to “Badges Settings” at any time after it’s finished.

Do you know that people can get more than one badge during your live video? The cost of the badges is $0.99, $1.99, and $4.99. As long as you keep the fans entertained, they’ll keep buying.

Make money from IGTV

Instagram IGTV

IGTV is a way to share more of your talents with fans. In addition, it lets you earn money from the videos you make.

How to earn money with IGTV

  1. Original content. You need to have control of the content you share. You need to own the rights to any music that you will use in a video. Videos should be 2-4 minutes long, which is a good length for videos.
  2. Turn on “Feed Previews.”IGTV ads will show up when people click to watch videos from previews in their feed. Videos only earn money if people watch them, so you need to have feed previews turned on.
  3. Learn what Advertisers want. Advertisers make sure that the videos are safe. To learn more about what is safe, read our Content Monetisation Policies.
  4. 2+ minutes is best. The length of the video needs to be at least two minutes. If you have images, polls, or text on your video, it will not meet the requirements for monetization.
  5. Don’t ask for clicks. A video needs to be about things that people want to see. It should not prompt them to click on links or do extreme things for money.
  6. Make a killer video. A lousy video won’t get watched. Make a good one. Luckily, Instagram provided help on how to do this.

How IGTV works

When you use Instagram, you can make money by allowing brands to promote themselves within the videos that you create.

The amount of money you make will depend on the number of people who watch your video.

You will get paid 55% of the money that ads generate each time someone watches. You can find out more about this in Insights once you turn on the ads.

Make money with Instagram Shop

Instagram shop

If you have a product to sell, there are many ways to reach more people. One way is by opening an Instagram shop. This is easy, and you can see how your products are doing by visiting the Insights tab on that site. In addition, Instagram makes it easier to buy from your shop. A buyer doesn’t have to go to your website and purchase. Instead, they can do it all on Instagram.

How to open a shop on Instagram

When you follow these steps, you will get access to the following features:

  1. Change your account to a business account.
  2. Connect your Facebook page.
  3. Upload pictures of the products you sell on your catalog. 
  4. Complete the review process. 
  5. Turn on shopping for buyers who want to buy something from you online.

Click on Instagram’s step-by-step process to know more.

Tips to selling more using Instagram Shop

  • When you open your shop, tell your fans.
  • When you tag products on Instagram, people can buy them with one tap.
  • Make your products more interesting to look at by adding lots of detail about them in the product descriptions. Then organize them in groups, like they are in a store.
  • Product launches that are pre-promoted are likely to succeed. Tell people about the product launch before it happens. Use countdown stickers in Stories to tease merch drops or back-in-stock items.
  • Tap into new audiences by letting other creators, industry professionals, and publications tag your products. It is only available with checkout.


I don’t recommend bloggers using Instagram to promote their blog posts. Instead, use IG for branding purposes.

Besides, you don’t need to send people to your blog to make money. You can do it all on Instagram.

Concentrate on growing a considerable following, which is easier said than done.

It’s a long journey to make money on Instagram, much like blogging.

Be patient, put in the work, and you’ll get there.

You might also want to read the guide to making money on Facebook.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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