21 Strategies For Getting More Traffic To Your Blog

How do I get more traffic to my blog has been asked by bloggers since the dawn of the internet. Traffic is the lifeblood of any blog. Without readers, how can you expect to make money? This article will discuss how to get more traffic to your blog in 23 simple strategies that are easy and don’t require much time or effort.

Make “content is king” as your motto

a woman pointing to content is queen text

Google gives more attention to websites with fresh content. If you want your website to get more of Google’s attention, update it at least twice a week.

Use videos

There are many ways to get people to come to your website. One way is with videos. You write posts and put short videos on them. Vlogging on YouTube is a great way to let people know about your business too.

Vlogging is a great tool for any business. But, making videos and editing them is time-consuming and very costly if you try to freelance it. If you’re just starting out and you have no money to hire video editors or content creators, make it yourself.

However, the most important aspect of vlogging is the vlogger. This is where self-awareness comes in. Vlogging may not be for you if you don’t have that charisma in front of the lens.

I bore my friends when I speak and tell a story. That’s me being self-aware. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I focus on my strength and triple down on it.

One guy who agrees is this guy, Peter McKinnon.

He says that even if you think your life story is boring, there are still people who will watch it. That’s because they love the vlogger. Now, if you’re not likeable, or you put people to sleep when you speak like me, then vlogging may not be for you.

Be a social media butterfly

Let people know about your blog posts on social media, like LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Pinterest, and even TikTok. If you spend time building your networks and share great content, these sites could become some of your top traffic sources.

Boost a post

If you think your audience is spending time on Facebook, then sometimes use advertisements. For example, if you spend $5, the post will reach many more people than before.

Write click-worthy titles

Titles that don’t get clicked on won’t be read. Therefore, you should pay attention to the titles of your blog posts. They are what can help you have more readers. Look at magazine covers for an example. The magazine covers entice people with promises and solutions. If you do the same, your readership will increase.

Give away stuff

Create a day called “Free stuff” where people can come and take stuff. If they write about you or share your link on social media, they can win a prize. Of course, you have to give them the prizes yourself or ask companies to donate or sponsor these promotions.

Be clear about your niche

It is hard to understand a person if they talk about different things. It is the same when people write about other things. Make your writing clear by deciding who your audience is and what message you want to give them. Your writing will be more clear if it follows a single subject or topic.

Schedule publishing dates for

If you have a weekly blog, then you can plan your writing for the next seven days. First, think about how many words and how much time each post will take. When you write posts that are too long (over 4000 words), people might be overwhelmed.

Break up these big pieces into smaller parts with subheadings to make understanding what is inside of them. People prefer reading short stories or articles that they can finish in one day instead of spending hours on one piece.

Build an email list and promote

Once you’ve built up nice email contacts, Instead of writing all new content to send to your email, use the first paragraph from several recent blog posts and put a link so people can read more on your site. Your subscribers may not be reading everything you write in your blog each week, which will help get them interested in what you’re writing.

Make your blog posts easy to read

Long sentences are difficult to read. Use more short sentences instead of long ones. Try to improve your writing and typing by using more readable fonts, larger font sizes, and plenty of line spacing. Check your grammar and spelling. Check out the best tools for bloggers. Add images, bullet points, infographics, or subheadings, so the blog post doesn’t look like a block of texts.

Write in others’ blogs

Find other blogs that attract the same kind of people like you and write for them. Write about what your blog is about. If the site has a big audience, they will want more of what you are writing.

Add images

Photos in blog posts keep people engage and read. A photo also makes the post more eye-catching. You can also put keywords into the alt image tag with a picture for better SEO on your website. But don’t just use any photo you find on Google because you might break copyright laws. Instead, use images from Clipart, which give you royalty-free pictures to use in your posts and other projects.

Keep images light

Page speed is one of Google’s criteria to rank a website among many. Photos, images are some of the culprits to websites loading slow. Bloggers who usually have multiple images in their posts should consider how much speed that load will cause. If you can’t avoid including an image in your post, optimize the picture using free tools like TinyPNG, which reduces file size up to 80% without losing its quality.

You can also get the Adobe Cloud and take advantage of many of their creative suites has to offer. It can be pricey, but Adobe Cloud is worth the money when you love taking your photos, editing your videos, and love graphic designs.

Don’t stuff keywords

To rank higher in search engine results for your website, you need to have keywords. One way to do this is to make sure that every blog post has at least one keyword. This makes it easier for Google to know what the post is about. It used to be about stuffing as many keywords as possible. But, Google caught on and made some changes. Now, you may even lose rankings over it.

Learn SEO basics

You don’t have to be a SEO Master to score some organic traffic from search engines. Some people think you can’t do SEO for your website. But that’s not true. There are many free tools and tutorials you can use to do it yourself without hiring an expert.

You may spend hours reading or listening about them, but you’ll gain incredible knowledge that will propel you and your business a step ahead of the competition. And when it comes to hiring SEO professionals to do the work, you’ll know whether they are doing a good job or not.

Link to credible external sources

When you mention another blog in a blog post, include a link to that website’s page. Google likes it when you link to others because it means more information for them. In addition, the website you mentioned may see that you linked to them and might return the favor. Plus, readers love it when you provide resources to find what they are looking for quickly.

Link your blog posts

Link to your articles from other blog posts. This helps people find them, and it makes a big difference in how many people see your blog post. Linking to your old articles helps people find them. It is important for ranking. So, link to your old articles when you write new ones.

Make it easy to share your posts

Anywhere in your blog post, make sure you include social media buttons like Twitter, Linked In, and other major networks. Don’t make it hard for people to share your post with others.

Retweet as much as possible

Most people don’t look at Twitter at the same time. So when you share a new post, most of your fans will not see it the first time. Repeat your tweets and share old content too. Don’t worry about being repetitive or fear that you’ll lose followers as long as it is relevant and helpful.

Invite others to write for your blog

When other people write for your blog, you add more content to your blog. They also will share with their friends and may ask you to write for them. That will open up new readership avenues for you.

Stop asking for backlinks

Backlinks are essential for any website. However, if you do nothing but ask for backlinks all the time, then you can’t publish your next blog post. Of course, you can hit up many content creators all you like, but chances are slim to none.

Do you know how many emails I get asking if they can write on my blog? I ignore them, but when they are persistent, I only need to tell them that it will be a nofollow link to their website, and they stop asking.

Please don’t make it sound like your blog is a place to link up; instead, build good content and let people find their way there through word of mouth or search engines. You’ll get backlinks over time.


How do I get more traffic to my blog is a ubiquitous question. Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula, but if you keep writing, follow the strategies above, the right people will find your blog, and it’ll grow in popularity over time.

Why don’t you start your own blog today? Follow these simple yet effective strategies and you’ll be successful in your blogging business.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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