How to Start a Disney Blog: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog post, we will discuss how you can get started with a Disney-themed blog.

You will be able to find how-to tips on how to create your design, how to set up the blog, and more!

If you want to learn how you can start a Disney blog from scratch in just 15 minutes, then this article is for you.

How to start a Disney blog

Starting a Disney blog is like any other blog. First, you will need to come up with a domain name, hosting service and install WordPress on the website you purchase.

So how do you start your Disney blog?

Come up with a catchy Disney themed name

The first thing that we recommend is coming up with a good domain name for your site. Your domain should be something memorable like “yourmemorabledomainnamehere” or “disneybloggingtonight” because people use these in their bookmarks and share links all of the time!

If you don’t have a catchy domain name, how about:

  • The Disney Birding Blog
  • Mickey’s Magical Mouse Pad
  • Princess Lala, the Wise Blogger
  • Cinderella’s Castle Reviews and Recommendations.

Buy a domain and hosting plan

The next important step is to purchase a domain name and web hosting service.

I’ve been using Bluehost for several years, and I’m very happy with how they work.

Many other companies might be cheaper, but it’s usually worth the extra money to get quality hosting service, in my experience!

Going with Bluehost will also grab you a free domain when you pay for their $2.95 hosting plan. Click our detailed guide for a Free Domain from Bluehost.

Install WordPress

Once you join Bluehost, installing WordPress is easy peasy. All you have to do is click on the button that says “Install WordPress,” It will walk you through the process.

I don’t recommend any CMS other than WordPress. And, I don’t get paid for it. It’s just that WordPress can let you be a developer without coding skills.

Click on our detailed guide to installing WordPress to avoid any potential mistake which can make your blogging a complete headache.

Choose a theme

Choosing a theme is self preference. I can’t advise much here because I don’t know what floats your boat.

The only thing I can say is to opt for the free ones and not pay for anything yet. Perhaps change the theme once you’re rolling in some dollars.

Don’t install unnecessary plugins

In one of my sites, I’ve probably installed close to 50 plugins. Then I found out that having too many plugins can bog down a website. So I quickly uninstalled 40 of them.

When you start blogging, there isn’t much you need. All you have to do for now is to create content and create more contents.

Once you have the traffic coming in, you can install plugins to capture emails to build your list.

So, stick to the default plugins for now.

Write a blog

Writing a blog is easy when you know what you’re talking about. Also, passion comes into play here.

Say you wanted to start a blog about dogs but have no idea about them. But, since you love dogs so much, you can spend hours of research without feeling frustrated.

Write your heart away-and hit publish.

Monetizing a Disney blog

How do you make money from a Disney Blog?

The first step to monetizing your Disney blog is getting traffic by creating great content that will attract visitors again.

You can also start an email list for people interested in the topic of Disney (Disney blogs). This way, you can push out new updates, products, etc., without having to worry about how it’s going to affect your overall audience level, which might be pretty different than when blogging originally started.

Some bloggers can sell sponsored advertising space via banner ads on their website, but this quickly becomes expensive, so many give up after seeing low results with banners or other sponsored ads.

Other bloggers choose to monetize their blog by selling products or services, but this is not how most Disney blogs are still drawing traffic in today’s world, and it can take up a lot of time and effort, which might be better spent on your blog content.

While these methods may work for some bloggers (which will vary depending on the size of their audience), they won’t necessarily work for all. So you have to consider how much hassle they’re worth before implementing them into your strategy.


Let’s talk about traffic. You’ll want to do keyword research for your blog content so that you’ll know how to attract the right type of traffic. Search queries are how people find blogs, and this is how they usually end up on the Disney fan page – which means it’s important not only to have good content but also keywords in titles, tags, descriptions, etc.

SEO is probably a dying industry. Even though I’ve been selling SEO services for some time. With the current SEO state, you only need the basics of SEO which you can find out yourself with a quick Google search or go to the official SEO Guide by Google.

To learn more about how you can leverage SEO for your blog, click on this free, simple, but ultimate guide to ranking well on Google.

Social media are also sources of traffic. The best social media to focus on, in my opinion, are YouTube and Pinterest. Youtube if you’re good at video edits and Pinterest when you’re not.

Of course, you don’t have to follow my advice. You may have the talent to garner followers on Instagram, TikTok, or others. But, by all means, go for it. Do what’s good for you. Know your strength and go hard on it.


If you’re looking for a new hobby, why not start your own Disney blog?

It’s easy to do, and the best part is that it doesn’t cost anything! You can have your very own domain name and host plan from Bluehost.

When you install WordPress on your website, choose one of the many themes available to match what you’re passionate about. Then, instantly publish your first post with just a few clicks, and be sure to use SEO techniques so people will find it easily when they search online.

Don’t forget that for this blog or any other type of business venture to succeed, time must be invested regularly into marketing strategies like social media posts or guest posting on other sites.

That’s it on how to start a Disney blog. I hope you had some fun reading this guide. For a complete guide on starting a blogging business, click on this free blogging success guide.

SEO Geek, Copy Nerd, Cheesecake monster.

As a dedicated SEO professional, I help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers through search engine optimization. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation, I can help improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately grow your business.

Christian Tanobey

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